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This article is called, “When truth is replaced with Lies. Here is what I am talking about. You must first get the truth out of a person’s mind before you can replace truth with Lies. So, how is this done? Satan is a master manipulator of this. Discredit the truth so that it can be replaced with a Lie. Sometimes I find something that I feel is interesting and important. I want to share it because I feel it is essential and has great meaning so I will share it and let you know where it is from. This is called “WHAT IS TRUTH?” and I love the best example they use. The author’s name is not listed but it comes from gotquestions. com So here it is. 

“Almost two thousand years ago, Truth was put on trial and judged by people who were devoted to lies. In fact, Truth faced six trials in less than one full day, three of which were religious, and three that were legal. In the end, few people involved in those events could answer the question, “What is truth?” TRUTH WAS PUT ON 6 FAKE TRIALS.

After being arrested, the Truth was first led to a man named Annas, a corrupt former high priest of the Jews. Annas broke numerous Jewish laws during the trial, including holding the trial in his house, trying to induce self-accusations against the defendant, and striking the defendant, who had been convicted of nothing at the time. After Annas, the Truth was led to the reigning high priest, Caiaphas, who happened to be Annas’s son-in-law. Before Caiaphas and the Jewish Sanhedrin, many false witnesses came forward to speak against the Truth, yet nothing could be proved and no evidence of wrongdoing could be found. Caiaphas broke no fewer than seven laws while trying to convict the Truth: (1) the trial was held in secret; (2) it was carried out at night; (3) it involved bribery; (4) the defendant had no one present to make a defense for Him; (5) the requirement of 2-3 witnesses could not be met; (6) they used self-incriminating testimony against the defendant; (7) they carried out the death penalty against the defendant the same day. All these actions were prohibited by Jewish law. Regardless, Caiaphas declared the Truth guilty because the Truth claimed to be God in the flesh, something Caiaphas called blasphemy.

When morning came, the third trial of the Truth took place, with the result that the Jewish Sanhedrin pronounced the Truth should die. However, the Jewish council had no legal right to carry out the death penalty, so they were forced to bring the Truth to the Roman governor at the time, a man named Pontius Pilate. Pilate was appointed by Tiberius as the fifth prefect of Judea and served in that capacity A.D. 26 to 36. The procurator had power of life and death and could reverse capital sentences passed by the Sanhedrin. As the Truth stood before Pilate, more lies were brought against Him. His enemies said, “We found this man misleading our nation and forbidding to pay taxes to Caesar, and saying that He Himself is Christ, a King” (Luke 23:2). This was a lie, as the Truth had told everyone to pay their taxes (Matthew 22:21) and never spoke of Himself as a challenge to Caesar.

After this, a very interesting conversation between the Truth and Pilate took place. “Therefore Pilate entered again into the Praetorium, and summoned Jesus and said to Him, ‘Are You the King of the Jews?’ Jesus answered, ‘Are you saying this on your own initiative, or did others tell you about Me?’ Pilate answered, ‘I am not a Jew, am I? Your own nation and the chief priests delivered You to me; what have You done?’ Jesus answered, ‘My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm.’ Therefore Pilate said to Him, ‘So You are a king?’ Jesus answered, ‘You say correctly that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.’ Pilate said to Him, ‘What is truth?’” (John 18:33–38).

Pilate’s question, “What is truth?” has reverberated down through history. Was it a melancholy desire to know what no one else could tell him, a cynical insult, or perhaps an irritated, indifferent reply to Jesus’ words? In a postmodern world that denies that truth can be known, the question is more important than ever to answer.


Truth is not simply what is coherent or understandable. A group of people can get together and form a conspiracy based on a set of falsehoods where they all agree to tell the same false story, but it does not make their presentation true.
   • Truth is not what makes people feel good. Unfortunately, bad news can be true.
   • Truth is not what the majority says is true. Fifty-one percent of a group can reach a wrong conclusion.
   • Truth is not what is comprehensive. A lengthy, detailed presentation can still result in a false conclusion.
   • Truth is not defined by what is intended. Good intentions can still be wrong.
   • Truth is not how we know; truth is what we know.
   • Truth is not simply what is believed. A lie believed is still a lie.
   • Truth is not what is publicly proved. A truth can be privately known (for example, the location of buried treasure).

It appears that truth is always challenged. AND TRUTH IS OFFENSIVE. Especially in our Politically Correct World. “Science is incapable of stating truths about aesthetic positions such as the beauty of a sunrise. Lastly, when anyone makes the statement “science is the only source of objective truth,” they have just made a philosophical claim—which cannot be tested by science.

And there are those who say that absolute truth does not apply in the area of morality. Understand that life has eternal consequences for being wrong. Nowhere are the consequences more important than in the area of faith and religion. Eternity is an awfully long time to be wrong.

During the six trials of Jesus, the contrast between the truth (righteousness) and lies (unrighteousness) was unmistakable. There stood Jesus, the Truth, being judged by those whose every action was bathed in lies. The Jewish leaders broke nearly every law designed to protect a defendant from wrongful conviction. They fervently worked to find any testimony that would incriminate Jesus, and in their frustration, they turned to false evidence brought forward by liars.

The question Pontius Pilate asked centuries ago needs to be rephrased in order to be completely accurate. The Roman governor’s remark “What is truth?” overlooks the fact that many things can have truth, but only one thing can actually be the Truth. Truth must originate from somewhere.” End of article.


I do hope this article will help opens many peoples eyes to the doctrine of truth and the greatest example of truth and false truth. I submit that absolute truth comes from GOD. Romans 3:4 “LET GOD BE TRUE AND EVERY MAN A LIAR.” Jesus said, John 17:17 “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.”

Dear Reader, Christianity is not a religion. It is a personal relationship with God, through Jesus Christ. Salvation is realizing who we are, lost sinners without God. Our sin put Jesus on a cruel cross, and he died for our sins. He was God in flesh and had no sin of His own. Jesus paid the death penalty for us and for our sins. II Corinthians 5:21 “For he (GOD) hath made him (JESUS) to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” Jesus was our substitute and took our place. Do not let Satan rob you of eternal salvation in heaven. Satan wants to take everyone away from God and take you to hell with him for all eternity. Do not let Satan deceive you with a false version of God and Salvation.                                                                         

If you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and have never been forgiven for sin, will you turn from yourself and turn to God for salvation and forgiveness? Will you bow your heart and call on God? Will you put your faith and trust in Jesus for Salvation?

If you have prayed and received God’s forgiveness, please let me know below in the comment section at the bottom left so I can rejoice with you. And your thoughts, opinions, and comments are welcome here, so also leave them below in the comment section. 

Now enjoy the beautiful song in this video. RAY

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