My name is Ray and welcome to my website. I hope you will read to the end. I have a special message for you. I want to let you know suggestions and comments are always welcome.

I will tell you a little about me so we can get acquainted. Hopefully, we will learn about each other. I am retired and single. I believe in family, family values, God and country. Yes, I am a flag waver. I do appreciate the country I live in.

I am a passionate person. I am passionate about whatever I set out to do. I feel that whatever you do, give it your best. Especially to any employer. I do have a strong work ethic. I have always been a team player, I am a giver, not a taker. 

I have been blessed in receiving a good education throughout my life. I attended Bible college for 5 years and received a bachelor’s degree in education. Plus, an associate degree and Teaching Certificates. I am also an ordained minister. All of my education only means that I am an educated idiot. Common sense means more to me.

My work experience has been various also. Working for The Department of Human Services. I was a Social Worker and managed a large caseload. I ran my own business called, Family Lifeline Counselling. This involved family, marital and individual counseling. 

I worked for Allstate Insurance Company for nine years. I started as a telemarketer then worked my way up to office manager. That is a long journey in the insurance industry. 

I worked for a State agency under contract with the Federal Government. All of our clients had Developmental Disabilities. This job was very rewarding. Being able to help these individuals who need it the most. When this job ended, it led me into retirement.

I love to teach, train and help others. That is my passion. I hope you will enjoy this website, with its content. There will be more articles to come. I do not have all the answers to everyone’s problems. I am always willing to listen and help if I can. It will be nice if we can share with each other. I do want to know you and learn about you.

I am thankful I have found an online website and program.  It is an entire program that gave me the tools to build this website. I now have the ability to doing what makes me happy. My greatest desire is to be successful in helping others. That would be, true success.

I said at the beginning that I had something special to share with you. Here it is. If my website ever has any value or success, it will be because of you. Without you, this is simply a site with information and writing articles. I want to make this your page. 

Thank you for taking the time to stop by and read about this site. If this site ever becomes successful then it will come from God, not me.  Your Thoughts, opinions, and comments are welcome. Leave them here or contact me.       RAY

If I can be of help you, then leave me a message here in the comment section.

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