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This article is called, “LET’S ALL DANCE FOR THE LORD-CRANK IT UP. It is time to get excited, it is time to get emotional, it is time to move and grove, and dance for the Lord. WHOOOOOO, PRAISE GOD, THANK YOU JESUS, HALLELJAH. I am so excited I need to shout again. Thank you for this SPIRITUAL HIGH, Lord. Watch me dance now, Whoooo. Come on folks louder, crank it up, up up. I love the beat, can’t sit in my seat, It feels so sweet, I feel more heat. AMEN AMEN. 

I played rock music and was the leader singer in a rock and roll band for many years starting in my teens. It was fun being part of a group and drawing close to each other, for many years. There were benefits for us. We played night clubs 3 times a week. Yes, we had a good following including many, many girls. Locally we were pretty successful and loved the attention. The money was alright but really not enough. When we played the clubs, the beer was flowing and patrons sucked it right up, one after the other. Then the excitement started, and they were ready to dance and shout. It reminds me of many churches today. Some coined the phrase “DRUNK IN THE SPIRIT.” BUT WHAT SPIRIT? I John 4:1 “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.”


We would say, Let’s all dance-crank it up. Put your hands together. WE DID NOT SAY LORD. Because we were not doing it for the LORD, and that is just being honest. We did not have “RAP” Music in those days, and I am positively sure, it would not have been welcome in any real church. Neither was rock and roll, welcome in the churches. I watched a video of T.D. Jakes church service. He introduced his wife of 14 years and told the audience that she could still TWERK FOR THE LORD. THEN SAID, “GIVE GOD THE PRAISE.) WHAT? WHAT? PRAISE GOD THAT HIS WIFE CAN USE A VULGAR DANCE MOVE? DUHHHHHHHHH Click the blue link and go see for yourself.

(BY THE WAY, SHE WAS A REAL FATTY). Fatty or not it was sickening. If Ray Stevens had been there, I am sure he would have screamed, “DON’T LOOK ETHEL.” I have never seen TWERKING, listed in God’s list of Spiritual Gifts. Then there is the pastor Joe Johnson who said in 2016 he went to hell and, Demons in hell tortured him by Playing Rihanna Songs in Hell. 

Someone is thinking right now, “Hey old man, this is a new world, a new generation, a new culture, with new music.” I now understand the scripture more, from Psalms 2:4 “He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.” There is no doubt that music has changed (ESPECIALLY CHURCH MUSIC) since my generation. Churches are filled with rock concerts, light shows, people hanging from wires attached to the ceilings, and the feel good, jump up, run and screams that are not understandable. I guess there are many flavors of church services so just pick your own. ROCK AND ROLL, ROCK AND ROLL-GET INTO IT. WATCH THIS SHORT VIDEO. The name is right on target, “DELIRUM OF DISORDER CHURCH DANCE.

Some will say, “Oh they are just in the Spirit.” I have to ask, “WHAT SPIRIT??” Crank it up, let’s all dance for the Lord, Louder, faster. Entertain me, start the show. Did you ever ask yourself if JESUS would approve of this? “WHEN YOU TAKE JESUS OUT OF YOUR WORSHIP, YOU ONLY HAVE A RELIGION. AMEN.”


Don’t you dare doze off in one of these churches. Someone will walk up and slap you in the spirit, they will blow the Holy Ghost on you. Just like Kenneth Copeland blew on Covid-19 and made it go away worldwide. And covid has never been heard of again. CORRECT? EMOTIONALISM IS A MUST TO BE A GOOD CHARISMATIC. You have to prove that you have the spirit. (This feels better than that FAITH STUFF). My question is this. Is it faith or deception?

We learn more about heaven from the book of Revelation, than any other book in the Bible. I have read it different times. No where in the book of Revelation does it tell or show any of these charismatics’ events happening in heaven. Common sense should tell you if this is true worship on earth, then it would automatically be true worship in heaven-HUMMMMM! Do these only occur with Charismatic’s? NOPE.


Summary Chart


Kundalini Yoga


Sathya Sai








Pentecostal Today


Bible Examples

Slain in the spirit

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Uncontrollable laughing

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Physical jerks

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Animal sounds, roaring

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Smelling fragrances

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New spiritual insights & revelations

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No: Bible competed 96 AD

Demon possession of adherents

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Spontaneous movements

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Leaders is Divine

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Revival like meetings

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Feel energy surge, electricity or fire

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Repetitive singing, chanting

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Clearing the mind, emotionalism Anti-intellectual:

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Leaders Rich

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Acts 2

Awakened through laying-on-of-hands

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Acts 8:14-19; 19:5

Leaders directly sent from God

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Gal 1:12

Leaders inspired

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2 Tim 3:16

Leaders miraculous

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Many miracles and healing

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Acts 8:13


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Acts 2:17


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Acts 10:10

Seeing visions

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Acts 9:10-12

Mind reading

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Kundalini Yoga


Sathya Sai








Pentecostal Today


Bible Example EXAMPLE


I have a link about a former Pentecostal Preacher that everyone needs to read. He WAS Pentecostal Preacher for 27 years. And he had been in Pentecostalism for 50 years of his life. It will take a few minutes to read this, but it is really worth the time. Why I am no longer a Pentecostal. If nothing else, then scroll what he has to say. 



I am sure someone will see this and say, “BOY YOU SURE ARE A HATER.” You are entitled to think that, but it is not true. I do not know you and you do not know me. I do not write articles just to bash people. I have Pentecostal Friends and I have been in ministry with Pentecostal Friends. So, what would be my main problem? None of what I have posted so far will get you, me, or anyone into heaven. Charismatics Gifts, tongues, so called miracles, fake healings, false prophecy and on and on, will NOT get anyone into the Kingdom of God. ONLY THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST WILL SAVE YOU, CLEANSE YOU AND GET YOU TO HEAVEN

Jesus Christ did not come to earth just to give you and me Miraculous Gifts. God could have done that at any point in mankind’s history. Real Spiritual gifts will not even get you to heaven. Why do Pentecostal NOT talk about the real issue that will send you to hell and that is: “THE SIN ISSUE.” Now that is not a popular topic in churches today. Sin is what separated mankind from God all the way back in the Garden of Eden. Even there, God promised a SAVIOR that would come and pay for SIN-ALL SIN. I watch video after video of Charismatic’s services hoping I will hear someone say, “THANK YOU JESUS.” I am still looking for that. It is all about the show, the performance-NOT JESUS.

Where is a Gospel Message about the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus? No, the invitation is come forward and receive the Holy Ghost and speak in tongues–AND  YOU  KNOW  IT! LET’S ALL DANCE FOR THE LORD-CRANK IT UP. It is time to get excited, it is time to get emotional, it is time to move and grove, and dance for the Lord. WHOOOOOO. THIS WILL NOT GET ANYONE TO HEAVEN. WHY IS THE MESSAGE OF THE CROSS MISSING OR HAS BEEN REPLACED IN YOUR DENOMINATION?

There are true Biblical Words that everyone should look for, and I am not hearing them. Saved, redeemed, justified, sanctified, born again, justified by Christ, CHRISTIAN. WILLIAM BILL DAVIS, 50 YEAR in the Pentecostal movement, 27 years a Pastor said: “We had put our hearts and souls into these efforts because we believed it to be God-approved; and who doesn’t want to experience the same power and miracles we read about in the New Testament? I can’t tell you how many hours we spent in prayer or the number of meals we fasted, all because we wanted nothing more than God. But after all of this, it wasn’t God that we saw, it was man. From Toronto, to Brownsville, to Cottage Hill, and many more places I could name, there were no miracles, no power, no gifts, no healings, nothing but the theatrical antics and delusions of men. What was claimed for the great power of God was nothing more than musical hype and psychologically induced emotionalism.”

While I was still a Pentecostal, I remember listening to a preacher friend get all emotional about being a Pentecostal and how we should act like Pentecostals. As I sat there, my mind began to reflect on the book of Acts and how that no one in the early church ever referred to himself as a Pentecostal and how that no one was ever called a Pentecostal. I thought, “Why are we calling ourselves by something different than the first century Christians?” And then I realized, if we are calling ourselves by something different, it must be because we are something different than what they were. My friends, I don’t want to be something different than what the early Christians were. I don’t want to be a part of some modern concoction of man. I just want to be a Christian!”

John 16:14-15 “He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you. 15 All things that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you. Jesus said when the Holy Spirit comes He will glorify ME. Here is an honest question. WHO ARE YOU GLORIFYING, WHAT SO CALLED GIFT ARE YOU GLORIFYING? THE TRUE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD GLORIFIES JESUS, NOT ME, NOT YOU, NOT SOME GIFT. Maybe you should start looking at the FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT, RATHER THAN THE GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT. 

No invitation will be given in this message there is already enough truth to think about. I will only say, Jesus is the Savior, we are the sinners, Jesus came to save sinners. 

I truly hope and pray that anyone who is Charismatic has been truly saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. II Corinthians 13:5 “Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?” Concentrate on that. Romans 10:13 “For whosoever shall call (ASK) upon the name of the Lord, (JESUS) shall be saved.” If this video below is all you desire in life then you have a very big problem.

Your thoughts, opinions and comments are welcome here so leave them below in the comment section. RAY

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Lyn

    Hi Ray,, I love reading your article. You are always on target, what you said on your articles are true because it’s not from your own words but you based it on God’s words.. Keep on weiting.. God bless.

    1. Ray

      Thank you Lyn Please come back any time. Ray

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